Welcome to (PTO) Parent Teacher Organization

*Principal Ms. Karla A Sigmond
*Vice President


We have an active parent organization and hope you'll participate with us. We need you. The PTO is involved in the school on a daily basis, raising funds, providing student recognition, and giving our teachers help.


We meet on Tuesdays of every other week in the lounge at 7:45 a.m. We hope you will join us! Our meeting schedule for 2014 is:


Movie night will be decided soon (4:30pm - 5:00pm) @ Washington Elementary School PTO will be selling only the highlighted blue items on MOVIE NIGHT

Pop Corn pop  Nachos    nachos
Water       water  Caprisun   caprisun
Raspados    Rasp2  Candy pop


We welcome your input and suggestions. Please share your ideas by leaving a comment in the suggestion box located in the office.

If you have questions about our programs or volunteering, please contact:

PTO President